Sunday 19 September 2021

What should I do, what you should do

 It has been raining for quite a while. 

I like rains but when it rains non-stop without a break for quite a long time, the atmosphere feels dreary.

It's dark, it's wet, it's scary.  

Have you ever looked into the ocean or sea and felt like just going in and in... but never do that.

At the last moment you realize, if you intentionally go deep into something and you know you shouldn't, you won't have any ground to hold onto and it would be your fault. 

I have read somewhere, that when people are the at the last moments of their lives, especially when they are the one who are trying to end it, just a few moments before they meet the evitable turned inevitable, they regret it. And regret is something that we don't want in our lives.

Life's too short to live with regrets and long enough to take chances. 

But you know, sometimes I feel scared. I feel like everyone of you out there feel like that as well. Can you do that? Do you deserve it? Are you capable enough to do that? 

Well, listening to something motivational, some random person out there saying, "you deserve it", "you can do it", does give a little bit of boost but that's just temporary. The balloon goes whoosh after just a small amount of time. How long am is outside fire going to work?

The fire should come from inside.

You know what's ironic? You know what you should be doing, but you are being a sissy and trying to postpone it, postpone all the work, postpone all the connections, postponing your whole life. 

Haa, just act on it dummy. The fire is already within you, don't try to intentionally block it. 

On a side note, music always helps me. But then again, listening to it for more than a few hours gives me a headache and makes me dislike it for a while. 

So everything should be in moderation. 


Signing off for now, 

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LMAO, guess it was a long ass break It's been pretty well lately. Though the weather has been pretty moody with not even a little semblance with winter, its bea...