Friday 17 September 2021

Introduction (Also a note to my future self)

 Hello, to anyone reading this! This includes random peeps across the globe and my future self (I hope you look at this after a long time and cringe and smile at this absurdity!)

I'm Lesliea! You could pronounce it as Lezz-leah~

 I created this blog so that I could work on being consistent.
I'll try to if school doesn't bog me down. There I go again, writing contradictory statement the very next line. But once a week is definitely happening! 

(Ah, there I go once again. If I want to I can definitely make a little bit of time to post something. And not just blame the whole thing of not being able to do that at school)

So the things that I'm gonna write here/do~

1. Random thoughts and why were they generated. Everything always has a source, though it doesn't necessarily mean that you can always track the source down. But you can always try.

2. Try to apply what I say to my own-self! Like really, I've been told that I'm a pretty good motivator,  listener but when it comes to my own-self, the motivation goes off in a poof! 
 Though there's also the fact that every person has a different motivation, if it's not respect it should be fear. But there exists some on whom both don't work! Oof. What a dilemma. (Ah! I'm getting side-tracked again!)

3.Whenever there's a negative thought incoming (some of those thoughts are like roaches! Really annoying kinda immortal and super persistent! That makes you scream like a sissy the moment it starts flying!).
Alright, the analogy might or might not have made any sense >.<
So what I mean is, whenever such thoughts come in, I'm gonna crush it then throw it away. And think from where it came. Followed by working on the root of the cause and thinking positively.

4. Stop being pessimistic! Don't get me wrong, I'm actually pretty optimistic but sometimes I get so pessimistic that I myself surprise myself later whenever I reflect on the thoughts I had earlier!

5. Try to write down all the smol and big thoughts I have.

That's it for now, I gotta complete my assignment \o/

Signing off, 

(See ya soon!)

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LMAO, guess it was a long ass break It's been pretty well lately. Though the weather has been pretty moody with not even a little semblance with winter, its bea...